Additional Resources for Planning your Legacy

    Bequest Language

    Sample bequest language for your consideration in preparing your will or trust.

    Planned Giving One-Sheets

    Here are some one-sheets on various giving options for your reference.

    The Key Elements of an Estate Plan

    If a living trust is recommended, your estate planning lawyer will also suggest a will as a backup document to transfer any assets that were not included in your trust at the time of your death.

    Advisor Resources

    If you are advising a client who is considering a planned gift or bequest to NMCRS, we are happy to assist you and your client.

    Helpful Legal Instruments

    Once you complete your estate plan, you will have peace of mind knowing that you have a valid plan that addresses your needs, and those of loved ones and charities that are important to you.

    Retirement Planning

    No matter the combination of options you draw upon, be sure to seek professional guidance. Tax rules are complex and subject to change and the investment challenges can be considerable.

    Life Insurance

    A paid-up life insurance policy is a policy that will stay in force without any additional premium payments. This type of policy is a valuable asset and makes an excellent charitable gift.

    Publicly Trading Securities

    Publicly-traded securities are stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles whose values are readily available from an established securities market. For example, stocks listed on the New York or NASDAQ stock exchanges are publicly-traded securities

    Retirement Assets

    Retirement plan assets are a major source of wealth for many. These assets may include dollars invested in your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other qualified retirement plan.

    Naming NMCRS in Your Assets

    While you may transfer many of your assets through your will or living trust, a document called a beneficiary designation controls distribution of your retirement plans, life insurance policies, commercial annuities and a variety of financial accounts.